Significant population growth in Australia has created unprecedented demand for more urban development near business centres.
The 2016 Melbourne Planning Scheme, like other schemes in all Australian Capital Cities, aims to locate new housing in or close to activity centres and employment corridors and at other strategic redevelopment sites that offer good access to services and transport. The Plan aims to ensure an adequate supply of redevelopment opportunities within the established urban area to reduce the pressure for fringe development.
Forecasts of the distribution of new households in Melbourne show a doubling of the proportion of brownfield developments:
- 52,000 new greenfield dwellings (45%)
- 30,000 new brownfield dwellings (26%)
- 33,000 new dispersed development (29%)
- 17,500 new greenfield dwellings (22%)
- 41,700 new brownfield dwellings (54%)
- 18,800 new dispersed development (24%)