Our Experts

Peraco staff are among the most experienced Australian practitioners in Contaminated Land Management.
Our staff have delivered thousands of project outcomes in their professional careers – bringing world leading experience and expertise to the Australian market place.
Our staff include EPA Accredited Contaminated Land Auditors, experienced Geologists and Hydrogeologists, Remediation Experts and Environmental Consultants.
Peraco focuses on bringing “best-for-project capabilities” to all assignments and this means that where our own experts need additional skills we will bring those from our associate partners. Peraco associates include Toxicologists, Ecological and Human Health Risk Assessors, Computer Modellers, Environmental Chemists, Design Engineers and others as required.
Please email us with any queries you may have, or call us for an immediate response.
Email: admin@peraco.com.au
Phone: +61 3 9882 9752